List of academic and professional publications outside of my blog.
Huoviala, Paavo, and Paul Simmering. “Large Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis.” arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.18025, 2023. arXiv
Simmering, Paul, and Daniel Hain. “Innovation and Imitation Strategies in the Age of the Upgrade: An Agent-Based Simulation Model.” Working Paper, European Meeting on Applied Evolutionary Economics, 2017. PDF
Magazines and Blogs
Simmering, Paul. “Inflationäre Produktbewertungen? - Wie die Sterne-Skala wirklich funktioniert.”, 2024. PDF
Simmering, Paul. “AI-powered Review Analysis.” TeamQ Blog, 2024. PDF
Simmering, Paul. “Texttunnel: Efficient Text Processing with OpenAI.” TeamQ Blog, 2023. PDF
Simmering, Paul, and Paavo Huoviala. “Large Language Models for Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis.” Research World, 2023. PDF
Simmering, Paul and Thomas Perry. “10 Challenges of Sentiment Analysis and How to Overcome Them.” Research World, 2023. Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Huoviala, Paavo, Martí Medina-Hernández, Martin Rogosch, Swen Sieben, and Paul Simmering. “Understanding Online Health Issue-Focused Communities with Text Mining.” TeamQ Blog, 2022. PDF
Simmering, Paul, and Oliver Tabino. “Die Schöne und das Biest - Wie wir eine KI für Kosmetik-Produkte trainiert haben.” Planung & Analyse, vol. 3, 2022. PDF
Heß, Roman, and Paul Simmering. “Die Welt der Gamer:innen - Über Subkulturen und gemeinsame Interessen.” TeamQ Blog, 2021. PDF
Simmering, Paul. “Marktforschung als Data Pipeline: Datenflüsse kontinuierlich Analysieren.”, 2021. PDF
Sieben, Swen, and Paul Simmering. “Storytelling vs. Dashboards - Wie Sie die richtige Methode zur Datenvisualisierung auswählen.” DGOF Kompendium der Online-Forschung, Band 2, Data Visualization, 2021. Editors: Oliver Tabino, Cathleen M. Stützer, Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell. PDF
Simmering, Paul. “Celebration 2020 - R wird 20! Q war in Kopenhagen dabei.” TeamQ Blog, 2020. PDF
Simmering, Paul. “KI - ein Blick in die Black Box.” Research & Results, vol. 4, 2019. PDF
Publications are preserved as PDFs to prevent link rot.