StakeX - Organizational Networks from Web Research
Network analysis approach and two R Shiny apps
Network analysis
StakeX is a network analysis approach for public relations projects. It is in use at Q Insight Agency with clients in public transportation and the energy sector. The approach consists of:
- methods for gathering public data on relevant stakeholders
- building a network based on sociological theory
- analyzing the network through use of force-based layout algorithms and centrality statistics
- extracting valuable insights for customers
To learn more about the method, see the slides of the talk by Thomas Perry and me or check the methods section of the demo app.
I led the development of two Shiny apps for this project. The first is a CRUD app that facilitates data entry into a PostgreSQL database and ensures data integrity. The second is a platform for interactive data analysis featuring graphs with visNetwork and maps with leaflet. Both are hosted on EC2 instances on AWS.
Tech stack: R, PostgreSQL, AWS EC2