
End-to-end automated pipeline for review collection, analysis and report creation

Machine learning

Paul Simmering


July 13, 2024

Hue-shifting image

Q Agentur für Forschung offers a service for automated analysis of customer reviews in any product category in any European language. I’m the inventor and lead developer. We build on our research in aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA). Since our paper on the SemEval benchmark, we have re-thought ABSA from the ground up and developed a labeling scheme and model that allows for fine-grained analysis of customer reviews. See this example:

Aspect-based sentiment analysis

This model is the core of our pipeline. There are two other steps: review collection and reporting.

Data pipeline

Everything’s automated in Dagster with data quality checks at every step. Here’s the full stack:

Category Technology
Data Web scraping services accessed via API
Data Warehouse MotherDuck
Data Transformation dbt, polars
Orchestrator Dagster
Models Fine-tuned LLMs + Prompt engineering
Experiment Tracking Weights & Biases
Labeling Tool Custom Shiny for Python app
Reporting Quarto

The project leverages several machine learning models for ABSA, text classification, translation, and summarization.

See the AspectWise website and a case study for more details.