Let Research Settle Before Consuming It

Machine Learning

Paul Simmering


July 20, 2024

The pace of publishing in machine learning is extremely high. There were 242,290 AI publications in 2022. That’s 663 per day, or one every two minutes. Based on comments on X, Reddit and Discord, I can see that many people feel FOMO, overwhelmed or inadequate because they can’t keep up, even in subfields they’re supposed to be experts in.

Number of AI publications by year, Source: Stanford University AI Index 2024

For those who can afford it, the antidote is to deliberately let research settle before consuming it. This means holding off on reading papers and waiting for the ideas to be integrated into textbooks, video courses and libraries, or at least wait to see which papers are getting cited more than others. This has advantages:

Time for learning is precious. Spending it on debugging software or deciphering a paper that is later proven wrong is a waste. By delaying consumption of research your learning is more efficient so you can learn more and more long-term valuable skills in the same time.

Of course, waiting is a luxury that those in research can’t afford because they’d be scooped and forever behind the curve. Let’s rank roles in the ecosystem by how close they have to be to the cutting edge:

  1. Research scientist in university or industry lab
  2. Research engineer developing platforms for researchers
  3. Novel software developer creating cutting-edge products
  4. Consultant advising on business integration
  5. General developer at a company that uses ML but not at the cutting edge
  6. Developer in slow-moving industry exploring ML adoption

The lower you are on the list, the longer you can afford to wait before consuming research. The dropoff is steep. A researcher needs to be up to date with the latest papers within weeks, while a developer in a slow-moving industry can wait multiple years before an idea could become relevant in their work.

Staying at the bleeding edge carries a cost in learning efficiency and stress. If your role permits it, consider letting research settle more before consuming it.